During the Area Selective Deposition Workshop 2025 you will attend 10 different sessions with invited and contributed talks. The conference starts on Sunday with 3 tutorial sessions and is completed with a Special Symposium including a panel discussion on "ASD for the future" where industry and academic perspective will meet and exchange.
You will have ample opportunities to meet and discuss.

Programm Overview

 8:20 Welcome & Opening  

8:30 Session 1

10:00 Coffee Break

10:30 Session 2

8:30 Session 5

10:00 Coffee Break

10:30 Session 6

8:30 Session 9

9:30 Coffee Break

10:00 Session 10

11:00 Break

11:20 Pannel discussion

“ASD for the future”

12:00 Start Registration12:00 Lunch Break12:00 Lunch Break 

13:00 Tutorial Session 1

14:00 Coffee Break

14:30 Tutorial Session 2

15:30 Break

16:00 Tutorial Session 3

13:30 Session 3

15:00 Coffee Break

15:30 Session 4

13:30 Session 7

15:00 Coffee Break

15:30 Session 8

12:45 Closing & Poster-Price

13:00 Optional Lunch 

17:00 Break17:00 Break17:00 Break 
18:00 Mixer with catering

19:00 Conference dinner

Zoo Leipzig, Gondwanaland

17:30 Poster session 

Detailed Program

Sunday - March 23, 2025
12:00Start Registration 
 Tutorial Session 1 
13:00 - 14:00Michael Nolan - Tyndall Institute, IrelandFirst Principles Simulation of Atomic Level Processing Chemistries
 Tutorial Session 2 
14:30 - 15:30David Muñoz-Rojas - Université Grenoble Alpes, FranceMetrology for ASD
 Tutorial Session 3 
16:00 - 17:00Cathy Crudden - Queen's University, CanadaPrecursor Chemistry
18:00Mixer with catering 
Monday - March 24, 2025
8:20 - 8:30Welcome & Opening 
 Session 1 
8:30 - 9:00Junjie Zhao - Zhejiang University, ChinaInvited - Photocatalytic surface initiation strategies for area-selective deposition of polymer thin films
9:00 - 9:20Iryna Kandybka - Imec and KU Leuven, Belgium Contributed - ASD of 2D tungsten disulfide by chemical vapor deposition for next generation nanoelectonic devices
9:20 - 9:40Olga Partanen - Aalto University, FinlandContributed - Block Copolymer Approach for Area Selective Atomic-Molecular Layer Deposition
9:40 - 10:00Julia Westermayr - Leipzig University, GermanyContributed - Machine Learning for Area Selective Deposition
 Session 2 
10:30 - 11:00Tania Sandoval - Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, ChileInvited - Fundamental insights into inhibition mechanism during ASD processes
11:00 - 11:20Simon Elliott - Schrödinger GmbHContributed - Microkinetic modelling of the nucleation and growth of ALD Pt
11:20 - 11:40Bora Karasulu - University of Warwick, United KingdomContributed - Atomistic Simulations of Surface Chemistry Driving Area-Selective ALD Processes through First-Principles and Machine-Learning Techniques
11:40 - 12:00Gregory Parsons - North Carolina State University, USAContributed - Towards a “Digital Twin” for Multi-Color ASD
 Session 3 
13:30 - 14:00Henrik Pedersen - Linköping University, SwedenInvited - Getting the molecules to all that room at the bottom 
14:00 - 14:20Jonas Valdemar Sundqvist - AlixLabs ABContributed - Atomic Layer Etching Pitch Splitting (APS): A Sustainable Alternative to Self-Aligned Double Patterning
14:20 - 14:40Nupur Bihari - Lam Research CorporationContributed - Enhancing Area Selective Deposition Through Sub-saturated Atomic Layer Deposition: A Pathway to High Volume Manufacturing
14:40 - 15:00Mira Baraket - ATLANT 3DContributed - Advancing Atomic Layer Processing for Next Generation Devices: ATLANT 3D’s Direct Atomic Layer Processing (DALP™)
 Session 4 
15:30 - 16:00Il-Kwon Oh - Ajou University, KoreaInvited - Area-selective Atomic Layer Deposition on Homogeneous Surface for Electronic devices
16:00 - 16:20Rachel Nye de Castro - Lam Research CorporationContributed - Selective Deposition on Si vs. SiN vs. SiO2 Surfaces 
16:20 - 16:40Jeremy Thelven - North Carolina State University, USAContributed - Selective ASD of Conjugate Polymer on SiN vs. SiO2 Using Small Molecule Inhibitor and Selective Fluorine Passivation
16:40 - 17:00Summal Zoha - Incheon National University, Republic of KoreaContributed - Area Selective Atomic Layer Deposition of SiNx on SiO2 by Inhibiting Si3N4 

Conference Dinner

Zoo Leipzig, Gondwanaland

Tuesday - March 25, 2025
 Session 5 
8:30 - 9:00Seán Barry - Carleton University, CanadaInvited - Atomic Layer Restructuring of Gold Surfaces by N-Heterocyclic Carbenes Over Large Surface Areas
9:00 - 9:20Akihiro Nishida - ADEKA Corporation and Hokkaido University, JapanContributed - Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition of Al2O3 Film on Cu and Si Substrates Using Novel Al Precursor 
9:20 - 9:40Rong Chen - Huazhong University of Science and Technology, ChinaContributed - Area Selective Deposition of SiAlOx Film for DoD Structures
9:40 - 10:00Stacey Bent - Stanford University, USAContributed - Benzenethiol, A Versatile Inhibitor for Area Selective ALD
 Session 6 
10:30 - 11:00Marc Merkx - Eindhoven University of Technology, NetherlandsInvited - Area-selective ALD using SMIs: how is selectivity lost?
11:00 - 11:20Hae Lin Yang - Hanyang University, Republic of KoreaContributed - Structural Design and Performance Evaluation of Phenyl(Alkyl)trimethoxysilanes as Small Molecular Inhibitors for Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition of VO₂
11:20 - 11:40Paul Lemaire - Lam Research CorporationContributed - Characterizing Inhibitor Surface Reactions with ATR-FTIR for Selective Deposition
11:40 - 12:00Ludovic Hahn - CEA-Leti and Hummink, FranceContributed - Comprehensive study of the exclusion zone observed with area-selective ALD of transparent conducting oxides by using polymer patterns
 Session 7 
13:30 - 14:00Marleen van der Veen - Imec Leuven, BelgiumInvited - Area Selective Metal Deposition in Nanointerconnects for Future Technology Nodes
14:00 - 14:20Matthias M. Minjauw - Ghent University, BelgiumContributed - Area-selective atomic layer deposition of Ru and RuO2
14:20 - 14:40Sundas Ismaeel - University of Helsinki, FinlandContributed - Area Selective Atomic Layer Deposition of ruthenium with phenol as a small molecule inhibitor 
14:40 - 15:00Kyeongmin Min - Incheon  National Univeristy, Republic of KoreaContributed - Hot Wire Assisted Area Selective Deposition of Ruthenium
 Session 8 
15:30 - 16:00Jeongwon Park - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, KoreaInvited - Area-selective deposition based on 2D van der Waals materials
16:00 - 16:20Annelies Delabie - Imec and KU Leuven, Belgium Contributed - Inherent and self-confined area-selective deposition of Ru on monolayer thin WS2 crystals
16:20 - 16:40Arthur de Jong - Eindhoven University of Technology, NetherlandsContributed - A physical approach to enhancing the selectivity of SiO2 area-selective deposition using substrate-biasing
17:30 - 19:00Poster Session 
Wednesday - March 26, 2025
 Session 9 - Industry-Symposium  
8:30 - 8:50Vina Faramarzi - ASML 
8:50 - 9:10Venkat Pallem - Air Liquide 
9:10 - 9:30Kandabara Tapily - TEL 
 Session 10 - Industry-Symposium 
10:00 - 10:20Ron Perlstein - Merck KGaA 
10:20 - 10:40Bhaskar Bhuyan - Applied Materials 
10:40 - 11:00Oliver Briel - DockChemicals 
11:20 - 12:45

Panel Discussion - “ASD for the Future”

Chair: Adrie Mackus

Annelies Delabie, Dennis Hausmann, Erwin Kessels, Greg Parsons, Ron Perlstein, and Stacey Bent

12:45 - 13:00Closing & Poster-Price