We are pleased to announce the tutorial and invited speakers of the Area Selective Deposition Workshop 2025. Below you will find all the speakers.

Cathy Crudden

Picture of Cathy Crudden.
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David Muñoz-Rojas

Picture of David Muñoz-Rojas.
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Michael Nolan

Picture of Michael Nolan.
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Henrik Pedersen

Picture of Henrik Pedersen.
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Il-Kwon Oh

Picture of Il-Kwon Oh.
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Jeongwon Park

Picture of Jeongwon Park.
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Junjie Zhao

Picture of Junjie Zhao.
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Marc Merkx

Picture of Marc Merkx.
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Marleen van der Veen

Picture of Marleen van der Veen.
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Seán Barry

Picture of Seán Barry.
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Tania Sandoval

Picture of Tania Sandoval.
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Tutorial Speakers

Dr. Cathleen Crudden is a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Metal Organic Chemistry, AV Douglas Distinguished Professor in Chemistry at Queen's, and the Scientific Director of the Carbon to Metal Coating institute (C2MCI) at Queen’s University. At this institute, she leads a global interdisciplinary team focused on developing a transformative approach to prevent corrosion and functionalize metals from macro to nano scales (102 – 10-9 m). Crudden's accomplishments have been recognized by numerous awards including Fellowship in the Royal Society of Canada, the American Chemical Society, the Chemical Institute of Canada and elected membership in the American Academy for the Advancement of Science. 

David Muñoz-Rojas is a Research Director at CNRS, leading the FunSurf team at the Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique (LMGP) in Grenoble, France. His research focuses on Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition and other scalable chemical synthesis methods for functional materials, particularly for energy and electronic applications, including photovoltaics and transparent conductive materials. He holds a PhD in Materials Science from ICMAB-CSIC, Barcelona, and has published 116 papers to date in the fields of thin films, renewable energy and nanomaterials.

Michael Nolan is Head of Group - Materials Modelling for Devices and Member of the Leadership Team at the Tyndall National Institute. The group’s research focus lies in the modelling of materials and their processing for a range of device applications. We perform atomistic studies, using DFT, MD, kMC and ML, of the mechanisms of atomic level processing, including Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), self-limiting thermal Atomic Layer Etch (ALE) and hybrid Molecular Layer Deposition (MLD), delivering deep insights into potential processes and predicting new process chemistries.

Invited Speakers

Henrik Pedersen received his M.Sc. in Chemistry in 2004 and his Ph.D. in Materials Science in 2008, both from Linköping University in Sweden. After a stint as industrial researcher at Sandvik Tooling Research and Development center in Stockholm, Sweden, he returned to academia and is today Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Linköping University. He has during the past 15 years been exploring CVD for electronic materials, hard coatings, and neutron detectors. His research is focused on understanding and developing new and better chemical vapor deposition methods with controlled surface chemistry.

Prof. Oh’s current research interests and topics are focused on fabricating emerging electronic devices with nanostructured materials by controlling surface chemical reaction based on ASD technique. He has been trying and working with IDM companies for implementing the ASD technique to semiconductor device chip.

  • PhD student in Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Material Science Engineering
  • Major research: Metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) of 2D materials, 2D lateral heterostructure growth, Bottom-up patterning of 2D/3D structure
  • Main paper: Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition on a 2D Monolayer Lateral Superlattice (Nat. commun., 15, 2138 (2024))

Junjie Zhao is an assistant professor at Zhejiang University. His research focuses on non-lithographic patterning methods for thin films of polymers and metal-organic frameworks. His group has developed strategies to achieve area-selective initiated chemical vapor deposition (AS-iCVD).

Marc Merkx is a postdoctoral researcher in the Plasma and Materials Processing group within the Applied Physics department at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His research mainly focuses on the use of small molecule inhibitors (SMIs) to achieve area-selective ALD.

Marleen van der Veen is a Principal Member of Technical Staff and nano-interconnects metallization specialist at imec. Marleen joined imec in 2008 with initial focus on Graphene and Carbon NanoTubes synthesis, generating extensive experience on the growth and characterization of carbon-based materials. As leading scientist in the EU projects Technotubes and CARBonCHIP, she shifted to a focus on BEOL via applications like the integration of CNTs, and on electroless metal deposition in dual damascene structures. After her M.Sc. in. conducting polymers, she earned her PhD (2006) in organic chemistry and introduced pi-Logic systems for molecular interconnects. She continued as post-doc at Yale University electrical engineering to study surface plasma propagation in nanowires. At imec her research has a strong focus on new materials for advanced metallization schemes in MOL and BEOL nano-interconnects including the materials integration, electrical characterization, and reliability aspects. Her current projects focus on selective metal deposition in MP21 via structures.

Seán Barry is expert in ligands, surface mechanisms, and precursor chemistry. He is interested in the effect of ligands as small molecule inhibitors, either as part of a precursor, or on their own.

Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María