The versatile research of Kersting Group also needs versatile analysis methods, which are presented on this page.

enlarge the image: superconducting quantum interference device
SQUID magnetometer of Kersting Group. Picture: Jonas Kretzschmar

We measure the temperature and field dependence of the magnetic susceptibility and the saturation magnetization of our metal complexes on our MPMS 7XL-SQUID magnetometer from Quantum Design.

enlarge the image: Vacuum-FTIR-Spektrometer Bruker Vertex 80v. (Picture: Bruker)
Vacuum-FTIR-Spektrometer Bruker Vertex 80v. (Picture: Bruker)

Our newest instrument is a vacuum-FTIR-spectrometer Bruker Vertex 80v with imaging microscope (Hyperion 3000) and a closed-cycle He-cryostat. DFG-Project Number 448298270.

enlarge the image: The Fluorimeter of Kersting Group is shown.
Fluorimeter of Kersting Group. Picture: Jonas Kretzschmar

We investigate our luminescent compounds on a FL 6500 spectrometer from Perkin Elmer. Measurements on liquid, solid or matrix-embedded samples are possible at room temperature and in the low-temperature range.

enlarge the image: UV-vis Spectrophotometer of Kersting Group is shown.
UV-vis Spectrophotometer of Kersting Group. Picture: Jonas Kretzschmar

UV-vis spectra are recorded on our V-670 UV-vis/NIR spectrophotometer from JASCO Corporation. Room and low temperature of liquid and solid samples are possible.

enlarge the image: The Isothermal titration calorimeter of Kersting Group is shown.
Isothermal titration calorimeter of Kersting Group. Picture: Jonas Kretzschmar

The Micropal VP-ITC from Malvern Panalytical GmbH enables us to determine the thermodynamic parameters and complexation constants of our compounds.

enlarge the image: Cyclovoltametry of Kersting Group is shown.
Cyclovoltametry of Kersting Group. Picture: Jonas Kretzschmar

Various electrode processes of our compounds are analyzed using the SP-150 potentiostat from BioLogic Sciences Instruments.

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