In automated service operation, no measurement is possible without a completely and correctly filled out order form. Therefore, please fill out the form carefully. As an alternative to the online form, you can also download the form in the side area and submit it together with the sample.
Please note that a separate form is required for each sample!

! Not using the online form !

Dear service customers,

We will soon be changing our service to online sample submission. At the moment we are still checking our concept and the possible implementation. We will inform you as soon as you can use the online form.

Your MS Service Team

Personal data

Sample data

(as denoted on the sample vial)




Sample dissolved in


For EI analysis and instabile samples deliver only undissolved samples in visible amounts!

Sample concentration

Contains additionally

Keep sample in


Upload reaction scheme (structures) with educts, products and solvents and mark the expected product.

No file chosen

Mass spectrometric analysis

If you require a specific ionisation method, please mark. If not, please leave the following empty and we will choose a appropiate.

expected ions, if known

MS-Analysis on demand

Please make an appointment with Dr. Birkemeyer beforehand (see contact field in side column)


For GC-MS- and LC-MS-orders, pleasedownload our sample sheet LC-MS/GC-MS (see side column), fill it in and submit together with the samples.

I hereby agree to the collection of my data for the purpose of order processing. Your data will only be processed for the intended purpose and will not be passed on to third parties. All further details resulting from the information obligations of the University of Leipzig can be found in the data protection declaration of the University of Leipzig.

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