Our Research Group



Bachelor-, Master theses and practical courses

Find out here about possible topics for your Bachelor's, specialisation or Master's thesis!

Reisspelzen und Silica.

Energy and chemical utilisation of biogenic residues

Topic for Master thesis

Synthesis of sustainable foam glass panels for exhaust gas purification

Topic for Bachelor, Advanced and Master Theses

Production and functionalisation of porous glass granulate as a concrete additive

Topic for Bachelor, Advanced and Master Theses

Auszug einer Bildfolge der Extraktion von bleibelasteten Gläsern.

Phase separation processes in ZrO2-Na2O-B2O3 glasses

Topic for Master thesis

Contact & Location

Prof. Dr. Dirk Enke


Chemische Reaktionstechnik
Technikum Analytikum
Linnéstraße 3, Room 511
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 36302
Fax: +49 341 97 - 36349