enlarge the image: Arbeitskreis Tonner-Zech (2024), Foto: AK Tonner-Zech
Tonner-Zech Group (2024), Picture: Tonner-Zech Group

Leiter des Arbeitskreises

Prof. Dr. Ralf Tonner-Zech

Prof. Dr. Ralf Tonner-Zech


Chemie Wohnheim
Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße 31
Raum E-041

04103 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-36401

*1978 in Cochem/Mosel, grown up in Hetzerath/Rheinland-Pfalz, Children (*2003, *2005, *2014)

Studium und wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

  • ab 10/2020 Professor of Theoretical Chemistry at Leipzig University
  • 04-10/2020 Professor (W2) for Theoretical Chemistry at Regensburg University
  • 2019 Offer of a professorship (W2) Applied Quantum Chemistry and Computational Chemistry, TU Chemnitz - rejected
  • 2016 Habilitation in Theoretical Chemistry, Philipps University Marburg
  • 2012, 2015 Visiting researcher, University of Warwick (UK), Massey University (Neuseeland), TU München
  • 2015 Visiting Assistant Professor at Stanford University (USA)
  • 2010 – 2020 Research Group Leader “Computational Chemistry for Functional Materials” Philipps University Marburg
  • 2008 – 2010 Postdoktorand am Centre for Theoretical Chemistry and Physics, Massey University, Auckland (Neuseeland) mit Prof. P. Schwerdtfeger
  • 2007 Research assistant at the Philipps University of Marburg
  • 2004 – 2007 Doctorate in Theoretical Chemistry (Prof. G. Frenking) at the Philipps University of Marburg
    “Divalent carbon(0) compounds: Quantum chemical studies on the binding situation and reactivity of carbodiphosphoranes and analogs.”
  • 1998 – 2003 Studied chemistry (diploma) at Philipps University Marburg and University of Auckland/New Zealand
  • 2016  Hans G. A. Hellmann-Award of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Theoretische Chemie (AgTC)
  • 2015  IAS Residential Fellowship of the University of Warwick (1 Week)
  • 2013  Alumni sponsorship in the Feodor Lynen Program of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (6 Weeks)
  • 2010  Research Promotion Fund of the Philipps University Marburg (2 Y.)
  • 2009  Feodor Lynen scholarship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation(2 Y.)
  • 2008  Postdoctoral scholarship of the Deutschen Akademischen Auslandsdienstes (1 Y.)



Sandy Ehlers

Foreign Language Secretary

Linnéstraße 2, Room 2.17
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 36500
Fax: +49 341 97 - 36399

Office hours
Mo - Do: 7:00 - 12:00 & 12:30 - 16:00, Fr: 7:00 - 13:00

Group Members

Default Avatar

Dr. Matthias Kudra

Wiss. Mitarbeiter

Raum E-049
Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße 31

04103 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-36400

Dr. Patrick Mélix

Dr. Patrick Mélix

Wiss. Mitarbeiter

Raum E-043
Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße 31

04103 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-36403

Dr. Fabian Pieck

Dr. Fabian Pieck

Wiss. Mitarbeiter

Raum E-042
Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße 31

04103 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-36456

Default Avatar

Florian Kreuter

Wiss. Mitarbeiter / Doktorand

Raum E-045
Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße 31

04103 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-36405

 Patrick Maue

Patrick Maue

Wiss. Mitarbeiter / Doktorand

Topic: "Small Molecule Inhibitors for Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition"

Raum E-048
Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße 31

04103 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-36423

 Raza Khan

Raza Khan

Wiss. Mitarbeiter / Doktorand

Topic: "Hydrogen Isotope Effects on Chemical Bonding"

Raum E-045
Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße 31

04103 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-36405

 Hendrik Weiske

Hendrik Weiske

Wiss. Mitarbeiter / Doktorand

Topic: "Semiconductor/Organic Interfaces"

Raum E-044
Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße 31

04103 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-36402

 Jakob Schramm

Jakob Schramm

Wiss. Mitarbeiter / Doktorand

Topic: "Metal/Organic Interfaces"

Raum E-044
Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße 31

04103 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-36402

 Philipp Wellmann

Philipp Wellmann

Wiss. Mitarbeiter / Doktorand

Topic: "Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition on Amorphous Surfaces"

Raum E-048
Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße 31

04103 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-36423

Students and Assistants

Bachelor Students


Master Students

  • Jonas Dahme

Internship Students

  • Doug Miller
  • Ilia Elizbarian
  • Franz Thiemann

Scientific Assistants

  • Stella Schumann

Emeriti und Alumni

  • Prof. Dr. Joachim Reinhold
  • Prof. Dr. Fritz Dietz
enlarge the image: The Marburg Group: (back row) M. Diekmann, N. Zaitsev, M. Herbold, Reuti, (front row) J.-N. Luy, L. Pecher, F. Pieck, R. Tonner, Picture: AK Tonner-Zech
The Marburg Group: (back row) M. Diekmann, N. Zaitsev, M. Herbold, Reuti, (front row) J.-N. Luy, L. Pecher, F. Pieck, R. Tonner, Picture: AK Tonner-Zech
  • Dr. Badal Mondal, Group Member 2019 - 2024
  • Dr. Menyhart Sarosi, Group Member in 2021
  • Dr. Jan-Niclas Luy, Group Member 2016 - 2021
  • Thomas „Reuti” Reuter, Group Member 2011 - 2020
  • M.Sc. Daniel Grigjanis, Group Member in 2019
  • Dr. Lisa Pecher. Group Member 2013 - 2018
    Subsequently active at: Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (Deutschland,
    Redakteurin „Angewandte Chemie"
  • M.Sc. Marius Herbold, Group Member in 2017
    Subsequently active at: Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen (Deutschland) 
  • Dr. Nikolay Zaitsev, Group Member 2014 - 2017
    Subsequently active at: Tomsk State University (Russland)
  • Dr. Andreas Stegmüller, Group Member 2012 - 2016
    Subsequently active at: Fraunhofer-Institut, Hanau (Deutschland)
  • Dr. Phil Rosenow, Group Member 2011 - 2016
    Subsequently active at: J. Moloney, University of Arizona, Tucson (USA)
  • Dr. Marc Raupach, Group Member  2011 - 2015,
    Subsequently active at: SCM, Amsterdam (Niederlande)
  • Dr. Slimane Laref, Group Member 2013 - 2015
    Subsequently active at: KAUST, Thuwal (Saudi Arabien)
  • M.Sc. Lukas Trombach, Group Member in 2014
    Subsequently active at: Dr. Peter Schwerdtfeger CTCP, Auckland (Neuseeland)
  • M.Sc. Christoph Schober, Group Member in 2012
    Subsequently active at: Dr. Karsten Reuter TU München (Deutschland)
  • M.Sc. Martin Galbraith, Group Member 2011–2012,
    Subsequently active at: Dr. Marc Vrakking Max-Born-Institut, Berlin (Deutschland)