EuropaCat2023 is the 15th edition of the biannual congress of the European Federation of Catalysis Societies (EFCATS), which was held in the Congress Centre of Prague, Czech Republic. The conference was, for the first time, jointly organized by the catalysis societies of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Among thousands of scientists, members of our research group also attended.
Regarding our scientific contributions, Michael Liebau gave an inspiring talk on “An initiative towards open and FAIR data sharing” during the session “Open science: pathways for useful data sharing in catalysis”, which was chaired by Juliane Titus-Emse.
In addition to that, we also had the chance to present the following posters:
- Alejandro Mollá Robles: “Micro-/Mesoporous Cu-Containing Zeolites Investigated in NH3-SCR-DeNOx”
- Juliane Titus-Esme: “Garnet-Type Materials as Multifunctional Catalysts in Challenging Applications of CCU”
- Rujito S.R. Suharbiansah: “Composites of Zeolite Y and Cu-Containing Mixed Metal Oxides as Catalysts for NH3-SCR-DeNOx”
This congress served as a gathering of a wide variety of researchers within the fields of catalysis, promoting scientific discourse, while at the same time providing opportunities to establish relations with researchers from different countries. The scenery provided by the distinct architecture of the city of Prague created a special ambience, encouraging the exploration of the city during our free time.