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From 23 to 27 September 2024, Oliver Zamponi took part in the EFFECTS conference (European Forum for Engineering Catalysis Towards Sustainability), which was organized by the YEuCat network (Young European Catalysis). The event offered the opportunity to exchange ideas with other Master's students, PhD students and post-docs as well as with representatives from industry, BASF GmbH and hte GmbH. The new ITC member Oliver Zamponi met the former ITC PhD student Dr. Ken Luca Abel. In addition to a poster session on their own work, the program was completed by joint workshops. There were also guided tours of the BASF site in Ludwigshafen and the hte site in Heidelberg.

Mr. Zamponi presented the results of his in-depth internship as a poster contribution entitled:

  • “Metal Oxide Catalysts for Dry Reforming in NT-DBD Plasma”