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Current announcements

In accordance with Paragraph 11, Section 1 of the Habilitation Regulations, display is indicated in the following habilitation procedures:

Current teaching presentations:

  • Herr Dr. Majd Al-Naji

Habilitation procedure

At the beginning of your habilitation project, the faculty asks for a presentation of yourself and the topic at a meeting of the Faculty Council. Please contact the Dean's Office for this.

Application to initiate the habilitation procedure

The application to initiate the habilitation procedure must be submitted in full together with the required documents (Paragraph 5, Section 3 Habilitation Regulations) approximately two weeks before the meeting dates of the Faculty Council. Therefore, please arrange an appointment with the Dekanatsrat well in advance. For questions regarding the documents, please also contact the Dekanatsrat.

Habilitation thesis

The habilitation thesis shall be submitted as a monographic single publication. In exceptional cases, the Faculty Council may, upon application submitted in due time and with sufficient justification, permit the submission of published or to-be-published publications that form a thematic unit and where, in the case of several authors, the applicant's share is made clear. It is usually to be submitted in German or English.

Habilitation Committee and initiation of the procedure

After submission of your documents, a habilitation committee is appointed by the Faculty Council. The habilitation committee checks the completeness and validity of your submitted documents. It recommends to the Faculty Council whether or not to initiate the procedure and proposes the reviewers to be appointed. Subsequently, the Faculty Council decides on the initiation or non-initiation of the procedure and on the appointment of the reviewers, taking into account the recommendation.

Acceptance of the Habilitation Thesis

After receipt of the expert opinions, the display shall be indicated. The members of the habilitation committees as well as all habilitated members of the faculty have the right to submit their vote for or against the acceptance of the habilitation thesis in written form to the chairperson of the habilitation committee within four weeks after receipt of all expert opinions and to state their reasons. The members of the habilitation committee as well as all university teachers of the faculty have the right to inspect the expert opinions while preserving the anonymity of the experts.

Subsequently, on the recommendation of the habilitation committee, the Faculty Council decides on the acceptance or non-acceptance of the habilitation thesis on the basis of the expert opinions, the date for the colloquium and the confirmation of the list of topics for the teaching presentation or its rejection to the candidate for modification if the proposed topics do not meet the requirements.


The colloquium shall take place after acceptance of the habilitation thesis. The date is to be announced three weeks in advance. The content of the habilitation thesis and its classification in the field of study shall be publicly defended in the colloquium of approx. 45 minutes; afterwards, questions on field of study of the habilitation shall be answered. As a rule, the colloquium shall be conducted in German; the Faculty Council shall decide on exceptions.

Immediately after the colloquium, the habilitation committee shall, after non-public deliberation, make a recommendation as to whether the candidate has passed or failed the colloquium. If the candidate passes, it shall propose the topic and date of the teaching presentation. The recommendations of the habilitation committee are then announced orally. The decision on these recommendations is made by the Faculty Council at its next regular meeting at the latest.

Teaching presentation

The topics proposed for the teaching presentation must be taken from the field of study for which the habilitation is to be carried out. No suggestions may be made from the field of study of the habilitation thesis. The date and the topic for the teaching presentation shall be announced approximately four weeks in advance.

The teaching presentation is public and lasts 45 minutes. Usually it shall be held in German; the Faculty Council shall decide on exceptions.

Immediately after the teaching presentation, the habilitation committee shall, after non-public consultation, make a recommendation on the recognition or non-recognition of the performance. In the case of recognition, the habilitation committee recommends to the Faculty Council that the procedure be concluded with the award of the academic degree of Dr. habil. The recommendations of the habilitation committee are then announced orally.

Award and Completion

After all achievements in the habilitation procedure have been fulfilled, the Faculty Council decides at its next possible meeting to award the academic degree of Dr. habil. in a field of study to be named and thus grants the corresponding teaching qualification.

Six deposit copies of the habilitation thesis shall be submitted to the University Library (UB). The deposit copies shall be handed over to the university library within six months after the announcement of the award decision. Upon request, the Dean may extend the delivery period. The certificate of delivery from the UB shall be sent to the Dean's Office without delay.

The completion of the habilitation certificate takes approximately six weeks after the termination of the procedure by the Faculty Council. Candidates will be informed as soon as the certificate is ready for collection. With the handing over of the habilitation certificate, the habilitation is completed; the candidate receives the right to use the academic degree Dr. habil.

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