
The group is very active in the field of surface science, which contains topics relevant to heterogeneous catalysis, materials science and interactions at interfaces.


Teaching in the Group SS2022

Modul 13-121-0423

Surface Spectroscopy: Methods and Applications


Modul 13-121-0524

Wechselwirkung von Gasen mit Festkörperoberflächen


Modul 13-121-0418

Vertiefungspraktikum Dünnschichtwachstum, Festkörpergrenzflächenphänomene und -analytik



Job Offers

Nachwuchswissenschaftler im Labor, Foto: Colourbox

Students and Junior Researchers

In our group there are different projects, which can be accessed at the research page. Within these research projects there is always the possibilty to perform works towards bachelor / master thesis and practical courses.

Contact & Arrival

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Prof. Dr. Reinhard Denecke

Physikalische Chemie der Oberflächen
Linnéstraße 2, Room 2.15
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 36451
Fax: +49 341 97 - 36399