The group’s research focuses on the synthesis, characterization and optimization of a broad range of solid-state compounds.
- mixed ionic-electronic conductors: Zn13-δSb10 , Cu2Se, and AgCrSe2 with high thermoelectric performance, but ionic conductivity leads to decomposition under electrical fields
- X-ray diffraction computed tomography (3D-XRDCT) in situ
- diverse structural chemistry of nitridic frameworks with condensed SiN4, PN4, Si(N,O)4 and P(N,O)4 tetrahedra
- doping with Eu2+ or Ce3+ ⇒ luminescence materials for LEDs
- layered mixed-anionic compounds like RESbS and REBiTe with square-like arrangement of Sb and Bi atoms
- CDWs examined by low-temperature diffraction, electron microscopy and spectroscopy