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Do you believe you make queer people in your workplace feel that they can confide in you? Perhaps you have noticed: There is no family photo on your coworker’s desk. Or your colleague enthusiastically shares about his recent vacation but avoids mentioning who he went with. While other coworkers talk about their partners, your coworker carefully chooses his words and avoids mentioning that he lives in a homosexual relationship.
It could be that these individuals withhold certain aspects of their lives out of fear of possible discrimination based on their way of life, sexuality, or gender identity. Even these seemingly insignificant situations can be tremendous burdens for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and intersexual people (LGBTQ), as they constantly fear being disadvantaged or marginalized.

The improvement of acceptance and equality for queer people also plays a crucial role at universities as places of learning and work. This includes implementing measures to promote sexual and gender diversity in all areas of the university, conducting research that addresses the specific challenges and needs of LGBTQ individuals, and designing teaching practices that integrate queer themes and foster a respectful learning environment for all students.

How open are you towards your fellow people at Leipzig University?

In the report Lebenslagen von Lsbtiq* Personen in Sachsen (2022), the Saxon State Ministry of Justice and for Democracy, European Affairs and Equality highlights the challenges faced by LGBTQ individuals, with nearly three-quarters of the respondents who experienced negative incidents at Saxon vocational schools and universities reporting a lack of trust centres or a support person at their institution. If there is not a loud and colourful demonstration passing by the University for Christopher Street Day, are you aware that your queer colleagues in the neighbouring office may be hiding parts of their identity to protect themselves from potential discrimination? The “LGBTQ Health Awareness Week” from 18 to 22 March 2024 is an opportunity to raise awareness for queer well-being. By consciously addressing such questions, we can contribute to creating an environment where queer individuals can feel free and safe.

As our University firmly opposes any form of discrimination and demands respect for the dignity of all individuals (see Leipzig Declaration), the Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs established a queer network in 2021. This network aims to make queer perspectives visible and promote networking among LGBTQ individuals. To ensure that every voice is heard, and every person’s individuality is respected, the queer network at Leipzig University provides a platform for both academic and non-academic staff, as well as trainees. The goal is to foster a culture of acceptance and support and to facilitate an exchange of experiences regarding discrimination and potential courses of action. The network also welcomes those who wish to support queer individuals in their workplace as allies of the LGBTQ community.

We warmly invite you to become part the queer network to create a supportive environment for LGBTQ individuals! Members will be kept informed about all relevant information regarding participation in regular meetings and events through a newsletter. We encourage everyone who is interested to actively participate, contribute thoughts and ideas, and to spread awareness about this network.

Further information, along with the registration link, can be accessed on the website of the Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs.

Newsletter registration

The upcoming meetings are scheduled for the following dates: 

Thursday, 4 April 2024

Thursday, 6 June 2024