Please find all the important Information for your best study start in 2023 here and on the central pages of Leipzig University

Frequently Asked Questions - and Their Answers:

We have compiled a comprehensive FAQ for you with important dates and highly relevant information to guide you from your home country to your studies in Leipzig including details after your arrival. You can navigate the PDF-file by clicking on the table of contents.

Download the FAQ
PDF 257 KB

Important information

Dear Freshman,

Welcome to the Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy!

You will soon be starting off with your studies at the Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy. Lectures will start on 02 April 2024 and the course catalogue is published in AlmaWeb (--> Course Catalogue --> Faculty --> study program).

The induction meeting for new students of the M.Sc. Structural Chemistry and Spectroscopy, M.Sc. Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry, the M.Sc. Chemistry and Biotechnology programmes as well as for exchange students will take place on online via Zoom (Passcode: 514934, Meeting ID: 647 6439 7595) on 21st March 2024 at 3:30 pm (CET). On 20 March 2024 at 5:30 pm (CET) a guided module registration will be offered online via Zoom (pass code: 784238, Meeting ID: 675 7136 7420).

New students are also cordially invited to a guided campus tour on 04 April at 1:15 pm (CET). Meeting point is at the main entrance of the Faculty building (Johannisallee 29).

Very important in every semester is the module registration in TOOL! Please make sure to sign up within the given deadlines. Find out more on our course catalogue and module registation web page.


Presentation slides of the induction for new international students (summer semester 2024)

Presentation slides support structures etc. (summer semester 2024)

University login / student mail address

When communicating with persons and institutions of the University of Leipzig, please use the student e-mail address provided by the university (you can find information on this on the URZ website).
In order to use the student e-mail address, it is necessary to activate the university login, which you will be requested to do by e-mail after you have enrolled.
Furthermore, you will need this same university login for enrolment in modules, exams and courses.

enlarge the image: Innenansicht des Hauptgebäudes Chemie und Mineralogie
Erdgeschoss Hauptgebäude Johannisallee, Film: Marika Kandler